Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Years Resolutions Round 2

Lent is right around the corner. I have heard people say what they are giving up and it sounds and awful lot like New Years Eve.
Sugary Snacks
Candy bars
Masturbation (Good Luck)
I am admittedly somewhat out of touch with the practices of lent. However, to me it seems like you should give up something more meaningful. Something that won't necessarily benefit you but rather force you to sacrifice for 40 days in the spirit of the occasion. Let's see you give up something you actually might need instead of something that you consume daily because you lack discipline. Am I wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Lent is a period of self denial and self sacrifice in order to prepare for easter. it has nothing to do with what you actually give up. this is reflective of jesus fasting for 40 days in the desert. obviously a person cannot physically do that but the underlying meaning is still the same- self denial and self sacrifice in the name of God. so giving up certain foods or activities is a form of self denial. Now of course this should also be paralled with prayer, good deeds and going to church. this is also why today and fridays during lent are supposed to be a day of fasting and abstinence- no meat and you are only supposed to eat one meal on these days. of course this has nothing to do with a new years resolution or that someone isnt eating in order to loose weight. also, no one should ever judge what someone gives up or chooses to do during this time in order to prepare themselves for lent and strengthen their relationship with god. if someone gives up drinking soda and does it whole heartly as self sacrifice in the name of god then so be it who are we to judge? similarly is someone decided to visit old people in a hospital once a wk in order to prepare themselves for lent then who are we to judge? so overall lent has to do with the meaning behind the sacrifice not the meaningfulness of the thing that you are actually denying yourself.
